5 Stories, 5 Weeks - Issue #3

5 Stories, 5 Weeks - Issue #3

Hey friends, welcome to the 3rd issue of my #5Weeks challenge Weekly Digest.

Also welcoming new subscribers and buyers to my first product — 10K Digital Napkin.
Thanks for the early support and generous gesture!đź’–
If you missed the previous issues, you can check them here.
I started my second week feeling tired. My weekends were packed with outdoor activities.
On Saturday, I was invited to the first wedding reception after two years.
And the next day, I was out on the streets with my hometown pal for street film-photography.That means, A LOT of walking!
Anyway, the show must go on.
I’ve published my Story #2, and launched Product #2. Read about them below.
I've changed the format a little for easy reading. Enjoy!
If you received this email from someone else, do consider subscribing, and you’ll get a special gift.

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Story #2: How did we organize our first online event?

We had our first ever online event, No Code Asia X Pory Challenge last year.
I just assembled the committee members which include Felix, Cathy, Yihui and me. We were brainstorming about the things we wanted to do as a team.
And, hackathon was one of them, suggested by Felix.
As usual when you are fresh and new, you tend to be overexcited. Putting aside newsletters, blog articles, and other “boring” ideas.
We already had our weekly meetup consistently every week, so we thought, “Hey, let’s make the meetup more fun, let’s have a no-code challenge.”

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Product #2: Send Weekly Digest with Airtable Automation

What is it?
It’s an Airtable template to send your weekly digest or reminders via Airtable Automation.
Why did I create this?
I used Airtable Automation all the time for our community, No Code Asia.
From sending or getting email notifications every time new submissions come in, to sending weekly updates to members.
How to use it?
You will start by duplicating the ready template, and we will work on the automation from there. There’ll be a video guide on how to set up the automation.
What you will get?
  • Airtable database template
  • HOW-TO videos on how to set up the automation
When can I get it?
I’m targeting two weeks from the launch date.
If you get it now for only $5, you will be automatically added to the "5 Stories, 5 Weeks" newsletter.
But if you are on the fence and prefer to wait, you can subscribe via the newsletter link above to get the latest offer.
I would suggest getting the running offer, pay $15 now and get all 5+ products for free.
Does this work on the free version of Airtable?
Yes, all you need is a free account plan.
Do you have discount offers for early supporters?
As this is part of my #5Weeks challenge, you'll get the other 4 micro products for free if you pay $15 for one of the products.
Also, you'll get future automation guides (email reminders; house rent, subscription payments, etc.) for free.
But, for limited time only until 3rd August 2022.

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I guess that's all for this week's issue. I'm still learning, and will definitely improve the content.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do me a favour and click on the "Reply" button.
Or if you prefer to have a face-to-face call, head over here to chat.
Stay tuned every Friday for the next issues.
Until then, have a good weekend!